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Software System Documentation

Software Documentation means Black Line comprehensively documents the details of each system it creates.

Black Line utilizes a number of things to document your system:

  • Requirements Documentation:  How a system should operate and the details related to the operation of a computer system are maintained in documentation. In that way, if there are questions or clarification necessary by either the Client or Black Line Developers they are reading from the same playbook.
  • Environment Diagram  Each system developed by Black Line has four environments to develop and deploy software. Each serves a purpose so that changes can be isolated and tested by the Client before going into production. The environments are:
  • Development/Local
  • Test
  • Staging/UAT
  • Production
  • Support Documentation Once a system is in production and being used by the client and employees, a knowledgebase is created that holds “common” support issues. The common issues are usually related to the setup, configuration and usage by individual users. In this way, there are common procedures spelled out that aid in efficient setup and support of custom systems.
  • Version Control:  This is a behind the scenes capability that allows Black Line to keep track of changes made to a system. In some cases, we need to investigate an issue that having another version handy helps with the troubleshooting.
  • Change Requests: Each change request, similar to a Requirements Document, are documented and approved by the client before being “coded”. In this way, all expectations, budget and deliverables are well defined ahead of time.
Service Group
  • Software Proactive
Technical Value Propositions
  • Management
Black Line Value Propositions
  • Architecture-Design
  • Cost Reduction
  • Economic
  • Innovation
  • Operational
  • Performance
  • Product Quality
  • Productivity
  • Responsiveness
  • Risk Reduction
  • Scalability
  • Strategic
  • Time Savings

Why does this matter for your business?

Black Line Software Engineers are building systems based on business logic that is communicated by business leaders and subject matter experts. Documenting these logic rules is essential for centralizing the rules so other Engineers can support and efficiently modify software systems. Often, much time can elapse after logic is implemented, tested and in production. There is no guarantee that the Software Developer who coded specific business logic will be available to support a system when changes are needed or defects are uncovered. Documentation provides a bridge between the development effort and the expectations communicated (or assumptions) and the team of people now tasked to support and extend the same system.

What value does this add to your business?

  • Scalability
  • Quality
  • Reduces Risk
  • Responsiveness
  • Time savings
  • Cost Reduction

What common problems does this solve for your business?

Incorrect business logic, missed expectations with system features, delayed support solutions, slow execution of enhancements, single-source risk (logic in the intellect)

Why do you need a solution?

It is an accepted industry metric that almost 80% of the cost of a LOB system is incurred after it goes into production. This is a common because software systems evolve as the business climate changes and organizations need to pivot to meet these needs. Commonly, software systems evolve to address more and more business cases not identified (or needed) during system implementation. Therefore, having adequate documentation to memorialize the business problems solved today is critical to efficiently implementing system changes in the future.

What can you and your business expect from this service?

Business Leaders can expect:
  • Continuity between the Software Development Team and Support Team. Business knowledge and rules communicated to Black Line will find its way into documentation that can be reused in the future. The investment of time and money will not be locked in the intellect of Engineers that may or may not be available for future efforts related to support or development
End Users can expect:
  • Business people will have a resource available to reference the business rules, assumptions made, and requirements defined of a system. Useful for accuracy, problem solving, adjusting for new needs, and verification

How does Black Line do it better?

Engineers like to just get to work when developing software, Black Line understands the value of first thoroughly understanding a problem and gaining consensus before taking action. Too many assumptions or miscommunications can occur in the software development process and documentation significantly reduces the risk. BL’s competition tends to focus more on the process of developing software then the highly important goal of comprehension first.

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