Technical Resources

Cloud Hosting

General cloud hosting of Infrastructure, software and digital marketing systems & services

  • Infrastructure
  • Virtual Servers (VMWare, Hyper-V)
  • Operating Systems (MS Windows Server, Linux, etc)
  • Services (Active Directory, DNS, SQL Server, etc..)
  • Business Continuity (DR, backups, data protection)
  • Rental (Rented server capacity, operating systems, productivity tools)
  • Third-party solutions (MS 365, Sharepoint, line of business systems)
  • Software
  • Web Application Hosting: Off-premise hosting for web-based applications
  • Database hosting: Off-premise hosting of database systems
  • Big Data hosting: Off-premise hosting of big data repositories
  • Digital Marketing
  • WordPress Hosting
Service Group
    Technical Value Propositions
    • Data Protection
    • Infrastructure Business Continuity
    • Performance
    • Redundancy
    • Stability
    Black Line Value Propositions
    • Access
    • Architecture-Design
    • Availability
    • Configurability
    • Cost Reduction
    • Economic
    • Flexible-Creative
    • Performance
    • Product Quality
    • Risk Reduction
    • Scalability
    • Strategic
    • Technical Stability

    Why does this matter for your business?

    The technical profile of all Clients is not the same. Some Clients are very good candidates for having significant portions of the IT Infrastructure hosted in the Cloud. Cloud hosting allows Black Line to offer a cost-effective, scalable and stable platforms to match exactly the Client’s IT needs. This aligns with our values of “aligned solutions” and “relationship over profitability” because cloud hosting generates less revenue and reduces our service needs which is in the Client’s best interest

    What value does this add to your business?

    • Technical Stability
    • Availability
    • Configurability
    • Flexible-Creative
    • Architecture-Design
    • Risk Reduction
    • Cost Reduction
    • Scalability
    • Product Quality

    What common problems does this solve for your business?

    On-premise system instability, systems that are slow to match Client growth, technologies that are out of date, underperform, lack the appropriate security controls, overpriced and do not match the value received

    Why do you need a solution?

    Provides the IT technologies required for their specific needs, with lower initial cost, flexible to adapt to changing needs, scalable to accommodate growth, stable, reduces risk of on-premise interruptions, accessible to internal and WFH resources

    What can you and your business expect from this service?

    Business Leaders can expect:
    • A reduction in capital expenditures, technologies that adapt and grow with a Client’s operational needs, technologies that will keep pace with changes, secure, stable and available when needed
    End Users can expect:
    • Nothing different from the end-user’s perspective unless the IT was unstable, then they will experience enhanced stability. WFH users will see similar performance and accessibility experienced with on-premise systems.

    How does Black Line do it better?

    As a registered, trained, experienced partner in the underlying technologies Black Line is going to implement the technologies that truly match the Client needs at a fair price. We provide cost-efficient solutions in contrast to the competition that values profit over doing right by the Client. Black Line’s solutions are vetted to match the market we serve

    More Questions or Want to Talk?

    Let’s get started by understanding your business’s needs.

    We start with a conversation to deeply understand your wants and needs. Only by truly diving into discovery can we uncover the best solutions.

    Let’s Talk >

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