Product Information

Win Srv 2012 R2

Windows Server 2012 R2 is a server operating system developed by Microsoft. It is a powerful and reliable platform for running business-critical applications and services, such as email, file and print servers, web servers, and databases.

Windows Server 2012 R2 is an update to Windows Server 2012. It includes various new features and improvements over the original version, such as:

  1. Support for new hardware: Windows Server 2012 R2 supports newer hardware that was not supported by Windows Server 2012.
  2. Improved storage capabilities: The product includes new storage features, such as Storage Spaces and Work Folders, that can help businesses better manage their storage resources.
  3. Enhanced security features: Windows Server 2012 R2 includes improved security features, such as Enhanced Auditing and Dynamic Access Control, that can help businesses protect their data and ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.
  4. Improved virtualization support: The product includes enhancements to its virtualization capabilities, such as support for larger virtual machines and improvements to Hyper-V Replica, that can help businesses better manage and deploy virtualized environments.
  5. Enhanced networking capabilities: Windows Server 2012 R2 includes improved networking features, such as support for IPv6 and Network Virtualization, that can help businesses better manage their network resources.
Technology Group
Technology Category
Operating System

What value does this add to my business?

  • The ability to run and manage various server-based applications and services
  • Improved security and compliance through built-in features such as encryption, multi-factor authentication and conditional access
  • The ability to monitor and troubleshoot performance
  • Access to technical support and other value-added services
  • The ability to easily integrate with other Microsoft and third-party services
  • The ability to easily scale and adjust resources as needed
  • The ability to handle large scale, complex and demanding workloads
  • The ability to easily manage and control the licenses and access for the employees.

What can I expect from this service?

  • Improved network and file management capabilities, allowing for more efficient and secure access to company resources.
  • Enhanced security features to protect against data breaches and cyber threats.
  • Increased scalability to support growth and expansion of the business.
  • Improved server performance and reliability for smoother operations.
  • Better data protection and recovery options to minimize downtime and data loss in case of an emergency.
  • Enhanced virtualization capabilities to reduce costs and increase flexibility in IT infrastructure.
  • Support for new technologies, such as software-defined networking and storage spaces direct.
  • Possibility to run Windows container and Linux container on the same container host.
  • Please note that these are general features that you can expect from a Windows Server operating system, specific features can vary depending on the version.

Common problems in the business this service solves

Here is a list of common problems that Windows Server 2012 R2 can help solve in a business:

  1. Running mission-critical applications and services: Windows Server 2012 R2 provides a stable and reliable platform for running business-critical applications and services, such as email, file and print servers, web servers, and databases.
  2. Managing and organizing network resources: The product includes various tools and features, such as Active Directory and Group Policy, that can help managers and IT professionals effectively organize and manage network resources, such as users, computers, and network devices.
  3. Ensuring data security and compliance: Windows Server 2012 R2 includes various security features, such as encryption and access controls, that can help businesses protect their data from unauthorized access and ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.
  4. Improving system performance and availability: The product includes various tools and features, such as load balancing and failover clustering, that can help improve system performance and availability, ensuring that business-critical applications and services are always available to users.
  5. Managing storage resources: The product includes new storage features, such as Storage Spaces and Work Folders, that can help businesses better manage their storage resources.
  6. Deploying and managing virtualized environments: Windows Server 2012 R2 includes enhancements to its virtualization capabilities, such as support for larger virtual machines and improvements to Hyper-V Replica, that can help businesses better manage and deploy virtualized environments.
  7. Improving networking capabilities: The product includes improved networking features, such as support for IPv6 and Network Virtualization, that can help businesses better manage their network resources.

Why is a solution needed?

A solution is needed for these problems because businesses rely on these types of applications and services to function efficiently and effectively, and the security and stability of the underlying platform is critical for the success of the business. Without a robust and reliable server operating system, businesses may experience downtime, data loss, and other problems that can impact their ability to operate effectively.

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