Software Proactive Services

Software Proactive Services will ensure your IT systems are available when you need them.  Black Line monitors and regularly reviews your systems to spot issues before they happen.

  • Software Maintenance:  Every system that Black Line develops comes with a software maintenance agreement to ensure your systems are always kept up-to-date with the latest tools, versions and capabilities.
  • Database maintenance: Regular cleaning, tuning and review of application databases
  • Database server monitoring: Monitoring of specific services required by a database server to function properly.
  • Scheduled task management: Monitoring and notification of scheduled task execution
  • Application performance monitoring: Monitor critical components of business applications to ensure operational effectiveness
  • Integrated systems management: Monitor and notification for processes that integrate between systems.
  • Software system assessments: Evaluate, assess and provide recommendations for current software applications.
  • Web Hosting: Off-premise hosting for web-based systems or websites
  • Database hosting: Off-premise hosting of database systems
  • Big Data hosting: Off-premise hosting of big data repositories
  • Hosted Source Control: Centralized source management of custom built applications
  • Documentation: Black Line includes comprehensive documentation as part of each system it develops.  This documentation is critical to the on-going support of systems and helps provide a history of design .decisions made during development.
  • Support:  Black Line’s Software Support program is customized to meet the needs of your business and all the people using your custom system.

Reach out to us

We look forward to answering your questions. We are always available to provide any support you need.
Let’s talk.