Product Information

Barracuda-Total Email Protection

Barracuda Total Email Protection is a comprehensive solution for securing and managing email communications. It provides a range of features including email encryption, advanced threat protection, archiving, and continuity to protect against email-borne threats and ensure business continuity.

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Technology Category

What value does this add to my business?

What value does it bring to a business:

  • Improved security by protecting against email-borne threats such as phishing, malware, and spam
  • Improved compliance by providing archiving and e-discovery capabilities
  • Increased productivity by providing continuity features that keep email flowing during outages
  • Advanced AI to predict and identify account takeover attempts
  • Reduced IT costs by providing a comprehensive solution that eliminates the need for multiple products

What can I expect from this service?

  • Enhanced security for email communications, reducing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents
  • Improved compliance and e-discovery capabilities
  • Continuous email access, even during outages or other disruptions
  • Increased productivity through less spam and less time spent dealing with malicious emails
  • Improved business continuity, ensuring that email communications remain uninterrupted
  • Reduced IT costs by eliminating the need for multiple products
  • Increased productivity through less spam and less time spent dealing with malicious emails

Common problems in the business this service solves

What are the common problems this product solves in a business?

  • Difficulty in protecting against email-borne threats such as phishing, malware, and spam
  • Difficulty in ensuring compliance with industry regulations and e-discovery requirements
  • Difficulty in maintaining business continuity during email outages
  • Additional cost n managing multiple security products

Why is a solution needed?

  • Business continuity and maintaining access to email during outages is becoming increasingly important.
  • Email security is a critical concern for businesses, as it is a primary method of communication and a primary vector for cyber-attacks. A comprehensive solution like Barracuda Total Email Protection is needed to provide the necessary level of protection for businesses.
  • As the threat landscape evolves and email-borne threats become more sophisticated, businesses need a solution that can adapt and provide protection against the latest threats.

Reach out to us

We look forward to answering your questions. We are always available to provide any support you need.
Let’s talk.