Product Information

Barracuda | Impersonation Protection (formerly Sentinel)

Barracuda Impersonation Protection is a security solution that helps businesses protect against email-based impersonation attacks, also known as “business email compromise” (BEC) attacks. It uses machine learning and other advanced technologies to identify and block fraudulent emails that are designed to trick employees into divulging sensitive information or alerts when email accounts appear to be compromised.

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Technology Category

What value does this add to my business?

Value that Barracuda Impersonation Protection can add to a business:

  • A fully-managed, scalable and secure impersonation protection solution
  • The ability to easily identify and prevent impersonation attacks
  • The ability to easily scale and adjust resources as needed
  • The ability to handle large scale, complex and demanding workloads

What can I expect from this service?

  • The ability to identify and prevent impersonation attacks
  • A fully-managed, scalable and secure impersonation protection solution
  • The ability to identify and prevent impersonation attacks
  • The ability to easily scale and adjust resources as needed
  • The ability to handle large scale, complex and demanding workloads

Common problems in the business this service solves

Here are the common problems that Barracuda Impersonation Protection helps businesses solve:

  1. Protecting against BEC attacks: Barracuda Impersonation Protection uses advanced machine learning and other technologies to identify and block fraudulent emails, helping businesses protect against BEC attacks.
  2. Reducing the risk of financial losses: BEC attacks can result in significant financial losses for businesses. By blocking fraudulent emails, Barracuda Impersonation Protection helps businesses reduce the risk of financial losses due to BEC attacks.
  3. Reducing the risk of damage to reputation: In addition to financial losses, BEC attacks can also damage a business’s reputation. By protecting against these attacks, Barracuda Impersonation Protection helps businesses reduce the risk of damage to their reputation.
  4. Account Takeover: Common tactics used by hackers is to take over an email account then route email interactions to non-visible folders. This allows hackers to communicate with unsuspecting people to execute fraudulent activities
  5. Use of advanced machine learning and other technologies: Barracuda Impersonation Protection uses advanced machine learning and other technologies to identify and block fraudulent emails, helping businesses reduce the risk of falling victim to BEC attacks.

Why is a solution needed?

A solution like Barracuda Impersonation Protection is needed because it helps businesses protect against email-based impersonation attacks, also known as “business email compromise” (BEC) attacks. These attacks can be highly sophisticated and can result in significant financial losses and damage to a business’s reputation if they are not properly mitigated.

BEC attacks work by tricking employees into divulging sensitive information or transferring funds to attackers. They often involve the use of fake emails or websites that are designed to look legitimate, making it difficult for employees to distinguish them from genuine communications.

By providing advanced machine learning and other technologies to identify and block fraudulent emails, Barracuda Impersonation Protection helps businesses reduce the risk of falling victim to these types of attacks.

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