Product Information

Barracuda-Forensics & Incident Response

Barracuda Forensics & Incident Response (BFIR) is a tool that provides automated and accurate incident response and forensic analysis capabilities to quickly identify the scope and impact of security breaches. It allows you to detect and respond to advanced threats, such as zero-day attacks and advanced persistent threats, with minimal human intervention. It provides network, endpoint and cloud based data collection and forensic analysis that can be used to track down, identify and isolate the initial point of compromise, malware and spear-phishing.

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Technology Category

What value does this add to my business?

What value does it bring to a business:

  • It allows organizations to respond quickly and effectively to security breaches, with minimal damage and recovery time.
  • Provides accurate incident response and forensic analysis capabilities for advanced threats such as zero-day attacks and advanced persistent threats
  • Automated incident response process reduces the risk of human errors
  • Collects and analyzes data from multiple sources (network, endpoint, cloud-based applications) providing a comprehensive view of the attack and the ability to trace the attacker’s actions
  • Helps organizations to meet regulatory compliance requirements and incident response guidelines.

What can I expect from this service?

What can a Business Owner expect from this product:

  • Improved security for sensitive data and network access
  • Reduced risk of network and data breaches
  • Faster incident response and recovery time
  • Compliance with industry regulations such as SOC 2, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA
  • Improved visibility and control over network traffic
  • Simplified incident response and forensic analysis process

Common problems in the business this service solves

  • Difficulty in protecting against advanced cyber threats
  • Difficulty in incident response and forensic analysis
  • Difficulty in maintaining compliance with industry regulations
  • Difficulty in managing and securing a complex network infrastructure

Why is a solution needed?

Why is a solution like this needed?

  • The increasing use of cloud-based services and remote working has made it more challenging to secure networks
  • Cyber threats have become increasingly sophisticated, making it necessary to have a multi-layered security solution in place
  • Industry regulations, such as SOC 2, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA, mandate that businesses must have certain security controls in place to protect sensitive data
  • Businesses need to have the capability to respond to incidents promptly and comply with incident response guidelines, which is crucial for minimizing the damage and recovery time of a security breach.

Reach out to us

We look forward to answering your questions. We are always available to provide any support you need.
Let’s talk.